What To Ask For In A Divorce Settlement

As bitter as this fact can be, marriages do not work out sometimes and the best solution, for the people involved in the marriage, is to walk their separate ways. What is surprising is that most people don’t know what to ask for in their divorce settlement and they should consult a family attorney to get help. Here are some of those crucial things.

Staying In The Home You Share

When there are small children involved in the divorce, you might want to have an agreement on staying in the house you share with your spouse for the time being until your kids calm down or reach an age where they are understanding of the divorce and move on without any problems or trauma. This is obviously a temporary thing and you will need to move out eventually, but for your kids, you can do this and settle this with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. This will not impact the child’s life and they will have an easy transition.

Involvement Of Infants

If you are having a divorce after having a child and there is an infant involved in the divorce settlement, then you might want to sign up for co-parenting and have 50-50 custody of the child until he or she is of age.

Having an infant involved in a divorce can be quite messy and you want the infant to be as less impacted as possible. Especially if there is no reason for the other parent to stay away from the child and they pose no harm to the child, co-parenting can be beneficial for both parties.

Life And Health Insurance

A divorce settlement is a negotiation process where you and your spouse settle on things for an amicable divorce. If your spouse was handling your life and health insurance during the marriage, you can ask that to be the same even after separation.

The success of this negotiation depends on the nature of the relationship between you and your spouse after the separation. You can also have your spouse pay for the life and health insurance of your kids and add the kids as beneficiaries of your life and health insurance after your demise. This can be negotiable and settled as your and your spouse’s requirements.

Tuition And College Expenses

This is important especially if you have children. Even though your children are still small and they are not enrolled in college yet, you still need to make sure that you are making their academic future secure and asking for the tuition and expenses to be handled by the other party. This will go to the spouse who is more financially stable out of the two and you need to have this settled for your children’s sake. It’s good to have documented proof of these things.

Sentimental Things

There are going to be some sentimental things which will need to be distributed among the both of you, after the divorce. Things like old but important pieces of jewelry, heirlooms, and other important things which hold a great place in your relationship or family, need to be settled too.

It’s best to make a list of these things in the order of importance and you need to be very careful about the order of these things because you will lose some of it during the negotiation part. This is why you need to think ahead of time and plan strategically.


If either of you is under debt, after marriage, this debt becomes a burden for both of you. At the time of divorce, it is very important to specify the debt and it should be collectively and individually. No matter how much the debt is, you want to add that in the divorce settlement and see which ones still stand to be paid by the other party after you have been separated lawfully. You need to have solid ground and groundbreaking reasons for letting the other party pay your debt even after the divorce.


There you have it! It’s very important that you demand these things during a divorce settlement, regardless of the nature of the actual annulment. Look for the best divorce lawyers Fairfax VA to improve your win probability.

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About the Author: Graham

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