Divorce affects lots of families in the US and military families aren’t an exception. As a matter of fact, research shows that more and long frequent deployments lead to more divorce among the US troops and even if divorce affects military and civilian families alike, it’s essential to understand that military divorce differs in various ways from more standard divorce cases. That is the reason why the help of a military divorce attorney or estate planning lawyer upper marlboro can make a difference.
However, no matter what your military divorce case, here are the tips that are helpful when dealing with military divorce:
Hire an Experienced Military Divorce Attorney
For something as complex as military divorce, you’ll require the assistance of family lawyers who have helped other military families through divorce. Military divorce has also its own rules about important issues about property division like military pensions. Aside from that, there could be unique protections for military members who are currently deployed about emergency court orders in terms of child support. With such considerations, see to it that your case is in good hands through seeking out lawyers who are experienced in military divorce.
Military Wages Could Be Garnished to Pay for the Child Support
Members of the military have the duty to support their spouses and children and this means that the wages of the military member might be garnished to fulfill this kind of obligation. The requirement could give unique options to military spouses in terms of collecting against the spouse who isn’t paying the required child support. For instance, non-military ex-spouse could pursue the matter with the commanding officer of their ex-spouse. That is the reason why you require a lawyer who’s familiar with the distinct aspects and nuances of the military divorce.
Trust Your Lawyer and Always Be Organized
Those tips above clearly show that you will need the help of the best military divorce lawyer in your area. With that said, you may help your attorney and your case through getting all the paperwork together. Having records of everything you have shared or share as spouses will definitely go a long way in simplifying divorce complexity as your lawyer will have important details from the outset.
If you have some questions about family law or you’re unaware of the things involved and must be taken for consideration in military divorce, hire a law firm or estate planning attorney for legal consultation.